With “business as usual” changing rapidly, for example due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most companies are in change mode and need immediate help. Especially in (digital) marketing and sales. Customers and digital behavior evolves quickly. Interim Management is a smart business solution to adress these changes in your business, but is very different from hiring a consultant. Discover which one fits your company the best.
Strictly speaking, a consultant will only give you advice. Coming up with great recommendations and putting them down on paper is their thing. Most consultants are used for a short period of time because the project needs advice on one specific part.
Does you company need advice, or does it need to get a job done?
Do you need someone to implement the recommendations in your company, or someone to (temporary) replace a team member? Then is Interim Management what you need. The interim managers have specialized skills and experience. They will get the job done. An interim manager will be active for a couple of months in the most cases.